Thursday, January 26, 2023

 I just committed working code for the EAE implementation.  This includes both the A and B modes of operation.


The logic utilization is:

 ICESTORM_LC:   2258/ 7680    29%
 ICESTORM_RAM:    24/   32    75%
                SB_IO:    60/  256    23%
                SB_GB:     6/    8    75%
ICESTORM_PLL:     1/    2    50%
SB_WARMBOOT:     0/    1     0%

There is still significant room for more!

The division algorithm uses is actually a restoring version rather than the non-restoring version that the original PDP8e used.  

When executing the EAE diagnostics the process was timed, it is currently 19 times faster than the original.  This of course uses a mix of instructions, not just the EAE instructions.  There is probably opportunity to speed up the shift instructions to use a cascade of shifters, 5 in total, rather than up to 23 cycles.    

The ac module has grown significantly during this process.  It is much larger that I would like, but I don't see and easy way to split it up.

 I just committed working code for the EAE implementation.  This includes both the A and B modes of operation.   The logic utilization is:  ...